520 fortunes: 

What does love have in store for you?

Words: Thea Bichard

What’s next for your relationships? That’s the question we’ve asked the universe this 520, and the universe never disappoints (unlike your ex). The answers to what lies ahead in your love life are locked in our tarot deck with a difference, waiting to be revealed. So, what are you waiting for?

Choose a card – any card – and see where your heart is headed.



You and your partner have more in common than you think

You may start to notice something uncanny about your partner. Something…strangely familiar. That sweatshirt of theirs looks a lot like the one you wore last week, doesn’t it? Your tastes have always aligned (they’re just as devastatingly gorgeous as you are), but suddenly you’ll find yourself drawn to exactly the same things. No, your partner isn’t going to steal from you, and no, you’re not having a personality crisis: it’s love. Mark our words: give it a week and you’ll be dressing the same, right down to the socks. Awww.

Become partners in style


It’s time to be bold

Well, hello. Who’s that? Why are they walking away?! If you were drawn to this card, that’s your cue to take action: sometimes, to catch the attention of someone special, you’ve got to risk it all (well, not all, but you can afford to risk a little bit of potential embarrassment). Now’s the time to go all out – even if you’re merely trying to surprise your actual partner. We’re not talking neon signs shouting ‘MARRY ME?’ – a T-shirt or trinket will do the trick. Thank us later.

Choose an eye-catching gift


How to seek out the formula for love

We see an opportunity for you to up the ante when it comes to romance. To turn the passion dial up a few notches. Like the sound of that? Of course you do! Your guidance here is clear: find a concoction you know your loved one can’t help but fall for. A seductive spritz of perfume will work like a charm to set a romantic mood, and the perfect shade of lipstick will be equally potent.

Pick your potion


You may have some making up to do

Uh oh! Are you prone to leaving your towel on the floor after a shower? Often forget to laugh at your partner’s jokes (we know, we know, they aren’t always very funny)? Yep, arguments are inevitable, so let this be a very helpful warning to plan ahead. Scrap the soppy love poem and pick out the perfect let-me-make-it-up-to-you gift. These could melt the most disgruntled of hearts. You’re welcome.

Put a smile back on their face


Choose now to let your feelings be known

When did you last pay someone a real, from-the-heart compliment? No, this card isn’t literal – the tap of the ‘like’ button doesn’t count. You should call someone close to you and tell them why they’re great or, even better, send them a little love token. They could be your boyfriend, wife, mum, best friend, neighbour, grandma…whoever they are, they deserve that warm, gooey feeling that comes from being treated, don’t they? You have the power to make that happen.

FInd a token of appreciation

Our final prediction? They’ll love these gifts 

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