Make Up Removers

Make-up remover is an essential part of any beauty routine. Our collection of make-up removers from premium beauty labels is home to an array of formulations designed to remove make-up, dirt and oil from the skin, leaving it clean and refreshed for the next day.

n the collection, you’ll find a variety of make-up removers designed to gently prepare the skin for cleansing. For waterproof mascara and heavy eyeliner, look to formulas with strong cleansing milks. There are make-up removers for all different skin types, so it's important to choose one that suits you. For dry skin, opt for extra-hydrating formulas with hyaluronic acid. If you have sensitive skin, look for a make-up remover that is free of harsh chemicals and fragrances.

Make-up removers with micellar water are gentle for all skin types. Micellar water helps to lift make-up away from the skin, leaving it refreshed. Micellar water is very gentle and easy to use – just apply it to a cotton pad and sweep it over the face. Best of all, micellar water does not require any rinsing, making it the perfect solution for a busy schedule. For a gentle, effective make-up remover, look to formulas with micellar gels, milks or oils.

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