How did you two meet and what inspired you to launch Adapt?
J: Rich and I met on holiday with friends and have been together ever since! Rich went from suitor to business partner in 0–60 as we both became increasingly frustrated with how little the climate crisis was being communicated to the public and how secret it felt.
How would you describe your work and what are your individual artistic roles?
R: We call ourselves a ‘climate club’ because that’s the simplest way to describe what we do! We use design, art and IRL experiences (at least, before COVID-19!) to communicate climate issues in the most engaging, accessible and motivating way possible. We collaborate with other artists and organisations to bring as many people into the climate conversation as we can. Josie and I generally share all of our tasks; words and puns are Josie’s realm, but I have a few dad jokes up my sleeve, too!
When and why did it become important to you to raise awareness of the climate crisis?
J: It became very important [globally] around 50 years ago, but we felt an urgency to communicate climate issues ourselves a few years ago [because of the] minimal coverage in the mainstream media despite increasingly urgent developments and scientific studies emerging. Right now, we have an immediate deadline, and the scale of government inaction is very exposed. We think it’s unacceptable that the public isn’t being fully educated on the reality of the climate crisis – so much information doesn’t makes it out of scientific studies. The climate crisis is a threat to humanity and all life on Earth – we think that the only way we can limit the effects would be if everyone was educated on the subject and held higher powers to account.
Which of our top 5 tips on how to be more forest-friendly do you relate to the most and why?
R: We relate to buying a tree for the Woodland Trust to plant! We see so many messages for people to plant a tree...but the reality is that, if you live in urban areas or don’t have your own back garden, it’s virtually impossible to do yourself. We love the idea of paying a bit of money for an expert to do it for you!
What’s next for Adapt?
J: We have a very exciting new project in the pipeline to be announced at the beginning of November. We’ll be raising funds for a very special climate organisation, but we can’t elaborate on that just yet. We are also currently working on bringing some incredible climate researchers and artists together to provide a platform for more great voices.