Mac Mascaras

Few compare to MAC cosmetics' prestige when listing the ever-iconic heavyweights that make up the pillars of a complete makeup bag. And when it comes to the brand's most note-worthy products? We'd be remiss not to mention its impressive collection of mascaras. From jet-black, volumising formulas to clear blends for a super-natural look (while doubling up as a brow-setting gel, FYI), our selection of MAC mascaras has something to offer any beauty buff.

If you're seeking a mascara to see you through 12-hour days spent ticking off the many facets of your to-do list, MAC mascaras' offering of waterproof blends will see you through each and every task without needing to worry about smudging. And if you're feeling romantic, why not reach for one of the label's lengthening formulas, designed to curl your lashes for a dramatic finish that sets hearts racing with a single flutter?

With MAC mascaras, there's no need to reach for your trusty false strip lashes – no matter the formulation you opt for; each one offers up volume and definition with only a few swipes.

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