
Medicine bring their artisan bakery to Selfridges with sweet and savoury pastries, fresh salads and lunch options. They specialise in baked goods that are available to dine in or takeaway. Experts in innovation be sure to look out for Selfridges exclusives and seasonal specials!


Phone number:
0121 600 6605
Location in store:
On Level 1, Foodhall



All of our restaurants are breastfeeding friendly & accessible.



Indigo is bringing the authentic traditional street food of India to life in a modern contemporary setting. They source quality ingredients and fresh produce from which our chefs craft delicious bites that both tantalise your taste buds and transports you back to the streets of India!

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- The Chef's Note

Opening hours

Monday to Friday
9:30am – Store close


9am – Store close


11am – Store close

Store directions

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Service A-Z