
Tyrone Scott


Words: Charlotte Core. Photographer: Rosie Marks. 
Director: Timothy George Kelly

We caught up (and had a little cycle around London) with Eco-activist and Journalist Tyrone Scott to discover what sustainability means to him and his community, and to find out about the changes he’s made to live a more planet-friendly life.




Words: Charlotte Core. Photographer: Rosie Marks. Director: Timothy George Kelly

We caught up (and had a little cycle around London) with Eco-activist and Journalist Tyrone Scott to discover what sustainability means to him and his community, and to find out about the changes he’s made to live a more planet-friendly life.

Tyrone Scott is no stranger to rallying for change. As an impassioned campaigner and journalist, he’s got researching, investigating and debating down to a fine art. Based in Hackney, London, Tyrone has worked for UK charity Shelter for the past six years as its London Community Organiser, providing advice and sourcing legal support for people struggling with homelessness or poor housing conditions. In the past few years, he’s delved into local government, standing for the Green Party in his local area, and championing for a greener, more sustainable way of living by campaigning alongside Extinction Rebellion. “Sustainability for me is the most important issue we’ve got facing us at the moment,” he told us. “When I was 15 years old, I was not politically active or engaged, and I didn’t really care too much at all. Now, I’m 28 years old and I’m looking at these 15-year-old children; they’re so knowledgeable, so politically engaged, and they are activists in their own right.”


In my day-to-day life I try to do everything I can. Little things, like riding my bike, limiting the use of plastics, turning the lights off when leaving a room. But the main thing that any one person can do is to join the movement and take action.


Inspired by Tyrone to make your day-to-day more planet-friendly? Here are a few ways to do just that.

Rent with us

Renting pre-loved pieces is one of the most effective ways to lower your environmental fashion footprint. Whether you’re eager to try out the latest designer styles or have a special event on the cards, we’ve partnered with HURR Collective to offer you a one-stop destination for an earth-conscious way to shop.

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Get on your bike

Make like Tyrone and get cycling! It’s one of the simplest ways to lower your carbon footprint (by reducing traffic congestion and lowering local air pollution), and the added health benefits are a no-brainer. If you’re not so keen on long journeys or hilly terrain, E-bikes are great for bit of extra pedal power.

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Shop pre-loved

It’s estimated that in the UK we consume over one million tonnes of clothing every year, with 11 million items being sent to landfill every week. By buying pre-loved and vintage clothing, you can help to close the loop on unnecessary landfill waste, and reinvent your style, guilt-free.

Shop now


Join us to discover the most exciting design innovations, retail concepts and thought-provoking ideas in sustainability, and explore our series of new commitments set to radically change our business as part of Project Earth.

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